These are the latest studies in regards to component studies of a potential a.)facade system, and b.) the ground and lower levels. These components have one thing in common and that's gathering rain water. With looking into how water runs on surfaces i.e.( ground,soil, surface, etc) it gave me an insight in the development of designing these two components.
that's a really interesting device Simeon - i think it could work, but maybe try not to overdesign that unit. the technical elements are interesting but maybe you could actually use something more efficient like a simple expandable tarp. that might be pretty sexy. regardless, good research
ReplyDeleteSimeon, I really appreciate how much you have thought about the function of your components. I think it would help to consider how these units function as an aggregated whole. At the moment your water catcher façade and umbrella units seemed to be designed as stand alone units. Are these designed to be clipped onto any kind of building or do they work together as a larger system? Is there linear scaling to the performance of these elements as they are used in your design (total performance = performance of one unit multiplied by the total number of units) or do additional performances or qualities emerge from a number of these units arranged in particular ways? This has to do as much with the connections between the parts as it does with design of each part.