Sorry about the delay in posting. As of yesterday I was working on just general aggregate schemes for the tower, specifically for the manufacturing program. I did a little more research into manufacturing spaces and modified my previous module to reflect the scale of what a typical manufacturing space might be. Right now Im trying to develop a sort of structural system that responds to the programmatic organization I am able to develop with the aggregate script. I'm feeling somewhat limited in using the scripts to develop a structural organization that isnt completely detached from the logic of the program organization. Perhaps theres another sort of script or technique that I might look into for generating some sort of additional structural system around the logic of the previous aggregation studies.
Will, all techniques are fair game. I appreciate the attempts you are making to connect your spaces to more infrastructural elements. I think you should keep going with it. I think part of the problem you are having with developing your structural core stems from the edgeless quality of your manufacturing spaces. They look like very insular pods. The connection between these spaces and core needs to be designed within the unit. Likewise, I think the units need to connect to each other in more meaningful ways so that together they become more than collections of stacked/floating units.
Will, all techniques are fair game. I appreciate the attempts you are making to connect your spaces to more infrastructural elements. I think you should keep going with it. I think part of the problem you are having with developing your structural core stems from the edgeless quality of your manufacturing spaces. They look like very insular pods. The connection between these spaces and core needs to be designed within the unit. Likewise, I think the units need to connect to each other in more meaningful ways so that together they become more than collections of stacked/floating units.